So the other night we were in the living room settling down for the night. Isaac was spinning around like he usually does, looses his balance and falls giggles about it and gets up and does it again. Well lets just say that didn't happen. I had briefly went upstairs to return some toys that didn't belong down in our toy basket. I was only up there maybe a minute when all of a sudden I heard this ear quenching scream. I ran down stairs don't know how I didn't manage to fall down the stairs. He was running to me holding his head I immediately saw blood coming out of his mouth and couldn't figure out where it was coming from. I looked in there all his teeth were in tact. Then Adam noticed his head. There was a huge hematoma (egg) on his forehead. As I began my search through his face I noticed that he bit through his lip and his chin was oozing blood out the other end. And to make matters all the better it was my day off from the ER. I called in and spoke to one of my Dr friends and she said come in and well check him. I didn't even register him I just walked straight back to where the Dr was. She said it looked OK and didn't need stitches. Isaac just giggled and smiled because the last time he was there he got his toe nail sewed back on. Anyways long story short he is OK I am watching his hematoma and making sure he has no other signs of head trauma. BOYS!