I haven't blogged in well over 5 months that is really bad....well I will try to be more into this. It's just so hard takes some time and I feel like time just fly's right out the door. Isaac and Addison are getting so big and are into everything! They are growing up right before my eyes. Addison only says a few words but were are trying to remain patient that she will speak soon. Isaac on the other hand knows words that I dint even know he knew. He Amazes me!

We went apple picking two weekends ago at Dickinson farm with our good friends the Wirths. It was a beautiful sunny fall day. The leaves are already changing and the weather is getting colder and colder here. We arrived and there is a tractor that you take up to the orchard where the apples are. They only had Cortland the other apples were all done for the season. Apple season is usually early August-September. We caught it right at the end of the season.
The kids had a blast running free in the crisp autumn field of apples. It was really Addison's first time biting into an apple because last year we went she really didn't have teeth.

TThe kids picking apples and Alexa being a big girl holding the bag

Some Candid Shots

Charlie enjoying picking apples

Alexa and her beautiful lips!

Nichelle think FAST!!!

Beautiful Addison
All in all we had a great day no fighting children, good weather, good conversation.