God is so good to us. I just want to give Him praise for all is he doing and continues to do in our lives. I am thankful for good health and wellness in our lives. There has been so much death around me lately in my workplace.

People dying left and right in front of me. Not knowing whether or not they know Jesus troubles my soul. I hurt and yearn for them as well as their families. The other night a man came in the had shot himself in his head, and he later died. What drives a person to be so low so down on life that they need to take themselves out. He is burning in Hell as I type this.

God is so beautiful and majestic isn't He? I took this picture this summer and His beauty is all around us. Why can't people see? Why can't they just stop sinning? God's heart is broken for America, for the world. There is hopelessness all around people. Fear of dying yet not doing anything about where they are going. I am challenged to make a difference. To love people in their ugliness and lies. I yearn for God's broken heart and I feel it. I am torn inside at what this world has become and is becoming.

Our children are being raised up in this world, we need to make a difference for them. At what cost though? What is it going to take for a change? What will we need to sacrifice? The Lord created this beautiful world for His Glory. He wanted us to walk with him to be in His presence. Sin has ripped us far from Him, we need Him. I am thankful for where God has taken us and is bringing us. I need God to change my heart, break it for the hurting, for the homeless, for the beaten children, for the unborn taken away in the womb up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, for the wealthy, for the broken marriages, for the specially challenged children, for the people who are looking at porn, for my own children.
This was just a reflection of my thoughts right now at this moment.