Tonight was the Ringling Brothers circus. We went with our new found friends Anthony and Nichelle and their two daughters Alexa and Charlie. We had lots of fun. Isaac was speechless and in awe. After the show I asked him what his favorite part was and he said the "Gwurl" and then he said " the other Gwurl" It was cute and made me laugh. We then went to Pizza Hut and grabbed a bite to eat considering its like 8 dollars for a food at the circus. I didnt take any pictures but the memory will be there forever.
Yeah. I love when people have blogs then I can be nosey. Note: you have to change the color of the comment section. It looks like you can't leave comments. let your mom know you have blog too...My mom loves it, but I also put every event on it too. love ya.
thanks im trying to do a slide show and it wont let me ahaahhaa
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