Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Cookies and Snow..what more could you want?

It snowed for 3 days straight practically. It was coming down so fast the plows couldn't keep up with it. At a point it was accumulating 2 inches per hour. That's a lot of snow! We had fun in it though. Isaac played outside in it for about an hour. Addi and I got so cold we had to come in maybe 20 minutes into our snow adventure. Our noses were red and our cheeks were cold!
They are ready to play

Addison amazed at the snow

Take one of us mom

That same day we made Christmas cookies. Addison went down for a nap so Isaac and I had one on one time. We made sugar cookies. We used cookie cutters to make the shapes. We had ginger bread man, candy cane, a bell, and a snow man. Isaac was a big helper with mixing the frosting we made. We had a great time together. He loves to help cook and is always ready to help!
Isaac busy mixing

Taste Test..approved

Isaac sharing some with you

Cookies are almost ready
We had a great day and filled our bellies with yummy cookies!

1 comment:

The Wirths said...

They look so cute all bundled up. Cookies? I want some. Well I'm glad you got some time w/ Issac and got sugar all in the same day.